Statement on Parkland, FL Shooting


Once again the US is reeling from the news of a mass shooting.

For USCJ and USY, this time it’s personal. Though no members of our community were killed or injured, several USYers and USY alumni attend and work at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and were at school that day – they survived, but will have to live with the terror, and the deaths of their friends and neighbors, forever.

We, as a community, join in their mourning. We are and will continue to offer support and guidance as they come to terms with their loss, figure out their legacy and, hopefully, move beyond their pain.

While we continue to grieve, we are also working with teen leadership and dedicated USYers to explore participation in the March 24 March for Our Lives rally and  partnerships with other youth movements and religious organizations so that they can bring about the change they want to see in the world.

Read the Jewish Council of Public Affairs statement

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