Israel Resources

USCJ Community Prayer Requests

We are coming together as a community to provide comfort and strength in this dire moment in the history of the State of Israel and Am Yisrael. Please use this form to list anyone affected by the war in Israel that we should pray for as a community. Click here to view the names of those we keep in our prayers.

We stand in solidarity with those who have been kidnapped and their families, and pray for their redemption. And we offer courage and strength for all who are in shelters seeking safety. Our prayers are with the brave defenders in the IDF, Israel’s security forces, and first responders.

Masorti/Conservative October 7 Memorial Service

Sunday, October 6 at 7 pm Israel time:
9 am PT | 12 pm ET

Join the Masorti/Conservative Worldwide Community for a global online event to mark one year since the terrorist attack, honor those killed during the Hamas massacre and the fallen soldiers, and pray for the safe return of the hostages still held in Gaza.

You can register as an individual, a family, or a community. Group viewing is an option.

Register Here.

Rabbinical Assembly Resources: Reflecting on October 7th during the High Holidays 

Rabbi’s Personal Prayer for Preparing for the High Holidays this Year
by Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin

Homer Lidrush for Yom Kippur: Ahavat Hinam: Love as Essential Healing After a Terrible Year
by Rabbi Daniel Burg

Yizkor for Victims of October 7, 2023,
[can also be used as part of the Eilleh Ezk’rah of Musaf on Yom Kippur]
by Rabbi Karen Reiss Medwed

The Archive to the RA’s Early Resources for October 7

General Resources and Ideas to Commemorate the First Anniversary of October 7

Suggested Hakafah Ritual for Simhat Torah 2024/5785
by Rabbi Robert Scheinberg

Report Antisemitism 

Please report any instance of antisemitism, including social media posts, to the ADL. The White House security briefing advised that the ADL and FBI are working together on all reports. Report here:

  • Do not engage with protestors.
  • Report antisemitic email messages as “Phishing”
  • Report and block antisemitic social media messages.
  • ALL threats of violence – specific or vague – must be reported to the ADL.

Please review the Secure Community Network tip sheet for protests and civil unrest.

ADL Center on Extremism Public Briefing

ADL Antisemitism Uncovered

ADL Think. Plan. Act. Tools for Responding to Antisemitic and Anti-Israel Incidents on Campus

Tefillah Resources

Tzedakah (Fundraising)

Please note, not every entity claiming to collect charity for Israel is a legitimate actor. We at USCJ have vetted and trust the following three links to give aid where it is most needed.

JFNA statement on the misinformation of equipment shortages

Webinar/ Briefings Recordings 

Security Resources

Workplace Resources

Family Resources

Grants for your community

Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is offering microgrants for events, and other resources to commemorate October 7. Learn more here.

Mercaz USA resources

MERCAZ USA has a number of resources for your community as you are planning for your commemoration events. View them here. 

Mental Health Resources