Shirley Davidoff

Shirley Davidoff is a Family Nurse Practitioner at Texas Health Heart and Vascular Specialists in Dallas,Texas working full time at multiple offices and hospitals treating cardiac patients. Shirley received her Bachelor’s of Nursing from the University of Texas at Austin and her Master’s of Science and post masters certification from Texas Women’s University in Dallas. Shirley was honored in 2015 as Nurse Practitioner of the Year for the State of Texas and was previously recognized as a Great 100 Nurse for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Shirley enjoys lecturing to lay and professional audiences on numerous cardiovascular topics.

Community service and volunteering is a passion for Shirley who has served on numerous boards and held leadership positions both locally and nationally. Shirley joined the USCJ national board in 2023 and is an active member of Congregation Shearith Israel Board Of Directors, Congregation Shearith Israel Foundation Board, Legacy Senior Community Board, and the Legacy at Home board. Shirley is the past National Board Chair of MAZON: A Jewish Response tHunger and is the immediate Past President of Congregation Shearith Israel. Additionally, Shirley has served as the past Board Chair of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas and served on the boards of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas and the Ann and Nate Levine Academy. Shirley is a life member of Hadassah, National Council of Jewish Women, and Congregation Shearith Israel Sisterhood where she was a past Torah Fund honoree.

Shirley is originally from Galveston and is happily married to Bill Davidoff. Shirley and Bill have 2 married sons and 3 grandsons.


Claire Abramovitz

Miriam Abrams-Stark

Alondra Alderete

Mauria Atzil

Benjy Behrman

Madeline Berger

Allan Bogan

Vjollca Citozi

Jennifer Fisher

Rabbi Robin Foonberg

Rivka Friedlander

Isabel Hernandez

Joyce Juda

Andi Kahclamat

Jason Kay

Ari Kornreich

Roumiana Kovachev

Martin S. Kunoff

Barry Mael

Julie Marder

Rose McMahon

Sylvie Moscovitz

  • Engagement Associate- USY

Avram Pachter

James Pasinosky

Public Relations

Michelle Rich

Vicky Schara

Hannah Schutzengel

Marc Sender

Rachel Sisk

Brad Sugar

Linda Sussman

Valerie Thaler

Jo-Anne Tucker-Zemlak

Parker Weber

Tony Westbrook, Jr.

Greg Yellin