Richard Skolnik

Richard Skolnik is a product of the Conservative movement, having become actively involved with Conservative Judaism through USY. He was so energized by his experience as a USYer in Long Beach, New York, that he spent 16 post-college years as a chapter advisor, a youth director, and then a regional field worker for USY.

He then changed roles, going from professional to lay leader as he left USCJ’s employ to work in the for-profit world. Richard became active in his USCJ district, METNY, eventually becoming president, before spending five years as USCJ’s international president.

Richard is the vice president of sales and marketing at Century Direct, LLC, a direct response marketing company.

He lives in Bellmore, New York, is happily married to his high school sweetheart, Sherry, and is a proud father and grandfather. Richard and Sherry are long-time members of Congregation Beth Ohr.


Vjollca Citozi

Greg Yellin