Ofra Panzer

Ofra Panzer started attending METNY conferences over a decade ago. In the last 4 years, she served on both the METNY District Advisory & District Councils & co-chaired the METNY Biannual Conferences before becoming METNY District Chair.

In her own kehillah, Temple Israel of Great Neck, Ofra serves as the Membership Committee Chair, on the Safety Committee, on the Religious School Education Committee and is a past chair; was a TIGN Trustee (2013-15), co-founder of TIGN Accessibility Group & Co-founder of TIGN Health Advisory Group. For fun she also is a participant in the TI Players (performing arts), High Holiday Silver polisher & a Shabbat Greeter. She is the liaison to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy’s Jewish Students for Shabbat & Holidays.

Ofra is a Registered Nurse with clinical experience in Neuro and Med/Surg. Approximately twenty years ago her focus changed to Community Health Nursing and its applications of Health & Safety within school and synagogue communities. She chaired the Great Neck Public School District United Parents-Teachers Health Education Committee for several years.

Ofra is married to Robert Panzer, a Sulam for Presidents Alum. They are USY for Adults Poland Seminar, USY Adult Budapest-Prague & Ramah Institute Morocco Experience Alums. They have 4 children, all of whom attended Camp Yavneh in NH, participated in USY Wheels and Pilgrimage Eastern Europe.


Claire Abramovitz

Miriam Abrams-Stark

Alondra Alderete

Mauria Atzil

Benjy Behrman

Madeline Berger

Allan Bogan

Vjollca Citozi

Jennifer Fisher

Rabbi Robin Foonberg

Rivka Friedlander

Isabel Hernandez

Joyce Juda

Andi Kahclamat

Jason Kay

Ari Kornreich

Roumiana Kovachev

Martin S. Kunoff

Barry Mael

Julie Marder

Rose McMahon

Sylvie Moscovitz

  • Engagement Associate- USY

Avram Pachter

James Pasinosky

Public Relations

Michelle Rich

Vicky Schara

Hannah Schutzengel

Marc Sender

Rachel Sisk

Brad Sugar

Linda Sussman

Valerie Thaler

Jo-Anne Tucker-Zemlak

Parker Weber

Tony Westbrook, Jr.

Greg Yellin