Norman Kahn

Norman Kahn co-chairs our Kehilla Strengthening and Transformation Committee. He was also a member of the USCJ Commission on Community and Covenant in the Twenty-First Century.

Norman is a senior partner for the Toronto law firm Aird & Berlis LLP, where he practices commercial real estate law. He is a former lecturer in York University’s Schulich School of Business MBA program and continues to serve on the school’s advisory board program in Real Estate and Infrastructure.

In his own congregation, Beth Tzedec Congregation in Toronto, Ontario, Norman serves as co-chair of the Rabbinic Search Committee and a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.  Norman is also past president of Beth Tzedec Congregation, having served on numerous committees over many years. He and his wife, Jackie, and their family have been members for 20 years. They are active participants in Shabbat and Yom Tov services in the congregation’s lay-lead Little Minyan.

Jackie and Norman are the proud parents of seven children, all of whom who graduated from the Jewish Day School system. They currently have seven grandchildren. Their eldest son made Aliyah several years ago and, together with their daughter-in-law and their children, reside in Israel.

Norman’s term concludes in 2025.


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