Marty Zimmerman


Marty Zimmerman is the President and co-founder of ZIM Consulting, the largest firm focused on grant writing and nonprofit services in the Rocky Mountain Region. He has been in this role since 2006.

Marty grew up in the Conservative movement at Rodef Shalom and was one of only a handful of Denverites to serve as regional president of USY’s Emtza Region. In 2014, Marty was elected as the second youngest Board president in Rodef Shalom’s history and was the fifth youngest synagogue board president in the country. During his four years as president he helped Rodef Shalom become financially stable, helped increase membership from 270 families to over 310, and helped create systems that engaged many young families in synagogue activities changing the demographics of the synagogue. His final role was successfully leading the Rabbinic search process.

Marty is an alum of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Denver program and served three years as a mayoral appointee on the Denver Mayor’s Youth Commission, two of which he was the chair. He was the recipient of the Joshua L. Liebman Award for Service to the Community and was a Federation Executive Recruitment Education Program fellow. He graduated from Syracuse University with majors in Religion and Public Relations and has a Masters’ from the University of Michigan in Social Work Management and a Certificate in Jewish Communal Service and Judaic Studies.

Marty and his wife, Shira, have two teen-aged children, Alyssa and Andrew.


Vjollca Citozi

Greg Yellin