Lloyd Fishman

Lloyd has spent a lifetime involved in Jewish activity both at the synagogue level and as a pro-Israel advocate. Lloyd has in prior years served as METNY Senior Vice Chair and completed two terms as President of the Orangetown Jewish Center from 2014-2018 where he led the efforts to put the synagogue on a sound financial footing for many years to come. Lloyd previously served on the OJC Board of Trustees, as a Vice President, Chair of the Personnel Committee, Co-Chair of Ritual and currently, Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee; family have been active members for 19 years.

Prior to OJC, he and his wife Beth were co-founders of Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, where Lloyd was lay leader of a synagogue that today has almost 200 families. Before that he was President, Congregation Kol Ami, a 500-family member synagogue in Salt Lake City, Utah. Lloyd’s philosophy is that synagogues were built by others for us; we have an obligation to sustain these very synagogues for the next generation.

Lloyd strongly believes in the U.S.-Israel relationship having attended the last twelve AIPAC Policy Conferences in Washington, D.C. along with Beth and their daughter Shara. Over the last ten years, Lloyd has been a member of the AIPAC National Council which takes him to D.C. several times a year to meet with members of Congress to advocate on the key issues relative to U.S. support for Israel. His love for Israel doesn’t stop there; Lloyd has been to Israel 34 times since 1973 and always sees something new about the country with every visit.


Claire Abramovitz

Miriam Abrams-Stark

Alondra Alderete

Mauria Atzil

Benjy Behrman

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Allan Bogan

Vjollca Citozi

Jennifer Fisher

Rabbi Robin Foonberg

Rivka Friedlander

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Roumiana Kovachev

Martin S. Kunoff

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