Dr. Jeffrey Salloway

Jeffrey Salloway has been active in USCJ for nearly a half-century. He has served as synagogue president, regional officer, and is now Chair of the Northeast District. Jeff is professor emeritus of the University of New Hampshire where he taught epidemiology, chaired the Department of Health Management and Policy and officiated as the President of the Faculty Senate. He is now a representative in the New Hampshire House and recently published his first novel of Jewish fiction.


Claire Abramovitz

Miriam Abrams-Stark

Alondra Alderete

Mauria Atzil

Benjy Behrman

Madeline Berger

Allan Bogan

Vjollca Citozi

Jennifer Fisher

Rabbi Robin Foonberg

Rivka Friedlander

Isabel Hernandez

Joyce Juda

Andi Kahclamat

Jason Kay

Ari Kornreich

Roumiana Kovachev

Martin S. Kunoff

Barry Mael

Julie Marder

Rose McMahon

Sylvie Moscovitz

  • Engagement Associate- USY

Avram Pachter

James Pasinosky

Public Relations

Michelle Rich

Vicky Schara

Hannah Schutzengel

Marc Sender

Rachel Sisk

Brad Sugar

Linda Sussman

Valerie Thaler

Jo-Anne Tucker-Zemlak

Parker Weber

Tony Westbrook, Jr.

Greg Yellin