We are inspired by the reaction, resiliency and leadership of teens around the country in the wake of the Parkland, FL shooting. This includes our USYers, who will be marching in D.C. on March 24 to demand change.
Many have expressed interest in bringing teens from their community to D.C. to march under the USY banner – to register as a group, please contact [email protected] by Monday, March 12 (teens can also register individually here).
We plan to gather the night before at locations throughout the DC/Maryland area for a meaningful Kabbalat Shabbat experiences, including prayer communities, Shabbat dinner, and text study relevant to gun safety. The following day we will travel to the rally together (either on foot or via pre-paid metro card), reuniting afterwards to process what we experienced, before davening Maariv and Havdallah.
To participate, teens are asked to donate $36, which will go to the USY Tikun Olam fund to be allocated by teen leaders to organizations that advocate for gun safety (USCJ will underwrite all other costs).
We will also have local leaders and staff present at the New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Parkland rallies, and are encouraging teens in other cities to march wearing their USY shirts and carrying printable USY signs.
Help Spread the Word
Please help us get the word out about USY’s participation in March for Our Lives. With your help, we can ensure that as many USYers as possible make their voices heard and seize this singular social action-tikun olam moment of their generation.
Contact pinck@uscj.org for email copy, social media posts and graphics to promote involvement.
Learn more about USY’s participation in March for Our Lives.
Learn more about accommodations, travel, meals and more in D.C.
Support these efforts by donating today.