USCJ and its network of Conservative Jewish communities across North America are heartbroken and devastated by the horror of the shooting and murder at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh. We grieve for those who died and pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, extending our condolences to all their families and friends.
We are outraged by the hatred this senseless act demonstrated, and distraught by the bloodshed brought once again by gun violence. As our Torah teaches us, we are each responsible for one another, and commanded to honor the image of God in one another. Our sense of justice compels us to address the core issues facing not only the Jewish people but all people in our country in pursuit of a civil society.
How to Help
Donate to help the Tree of Life Synagogue and the families of the victims
Facebook Posts by Rabbinical Assembly Members:
Jonathan Wittenberg on behalf of Masorti UK
Prayers & Liturgy
Pittsburgh vigil by Rabbi Adam Raskin
After Synagogue Massacre, Interfaith Havdalah Vigil Unites a Shattered Community