Leadership Connections #1: October 8, 2020

Welcome to Leadership Connections, a new twice monthly publication for synagogue leaders and clergy from USCJ.

The New Normal

Resources for synagogue leaders in the time of Covid

Featured Article:

Putting the Joy into Simchat Torah on Zoom
Join Rabbi Yael Buechler and Amichai Margolis of the Leffell School in Westchester, NY for tips about how to utilize Zoom tools for Hallel, Hakafot, and more.

Additional Resources:

Leadership Content

Thought leadership, event information, and news for synagogue leaders

ScholarStream: A Joint Initiative from the RA, USCJ, JTS, and Ziegler
ScholarStream is a four part series which will give communities the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading scholars and engage deeply with our texts and traditions. Congregations will be able to sign on as sponsors for either or both series, offering your congregants access to all eight sessions for free.

Additional Articles:

Talk to Us!

We want to hear from you so that we can tailor future content, events, and resources to exactly what you need.

This edition’s featured question:


On which of the following subjects would you like to receive education/ resources in the coming months?

  • Hybrid services (Zoom/ Livestream + Live)
  • Post High Holidays Member Engagement
  • Dues Models & Collection During Pandemic
  • Something Else?

Answer here