Temple Beth El Orchestra & Choir is an excellent example of authentic and dynamic Judaism. What began as a small service attended by 25 people has been transformed into an annual community-wide event that attracts hundreds.
Temple Beth El Orchestra & Choir is an excellent example of authentic and dynamic Judaism. What began as a small service attended by 25 people has been transformed into an annual community-wide event that attracts hundreds.
Learn with other Jewish community leaders principles for community organizing to create a more just world.
According to Rick Tavan, authentic Judaism rejects the fundamentalist credo that all change is bad, but acknowledges that change is often difficult.
Aimee Close believes that an authentic and dynamic Judaism is found in the intersection between the old days and the new.
Rabbi Bradley Artson discusses the importance of halakhah (the Jewish body of laws) in maintaining an authentic and dynamic Judaism.
Authentic and dynamic Jewish leaders recognize that all people can make vital contributions to our synagogues and communities.
Rabbi Leonard Gordon discusses how, to him, an authentic and dynamic Judaism means retaining tradition while responding to a changing world.