May 31, 2020
USCJ has signed onto the following statement from The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of New York:
The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York is appalled and angered by the death of George Floyd at the hands of officers in the Minneapolis Police Department. Our sorrow is further compounded by the recent killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, another act of ugly and violent racism. 56 years after the historic signing of the Civil Rights Act, hopes for equal rights for Blacks and other communities of color have been dashed again by blatant acts of bigotry and bloodshed.
We stand in partnership with our sisters and brothers in the Black community, and in all communities of color, as we collectively strive to stamp out racism and prejudice in all of its forms from our society. We in the Jewish community know all too painfully the end result of unchecked hatred.
In that spirit, we commit ourselves to the Biblical call of “Justice, justice shall [we] pursue,” and the imperative of achieving a peaceful, just and equal society for all.
Cheryl Fishbein, President Michael S. Miller, Executive Vice President and CEO