In this past week’s parsha, Vayeitzei, Jacob’s journey begins with uncertainty. He is fleeing from his brother Esau, leaving behind his family and homeland, and heading into the unknown. At this vulnerable moment, he stops to rest and has a profound dream of a ladder stretching from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending. In this dream, God speaks to him and says:
“Behold, I am with you, and I will guard you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land, for I will not forsake you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15)
This promise is remarkable not only for its reassurance but for what it teaches us about trust. Jacob is about to face tremendous challenges: years of hard labor under Laban, deceit, family tensions, and the burden of building a future for the Jewish people. Despite these difficulties, Jacob carries God’s promise with him, trusting that he is not alone, even when the path forward seems unclear.
This teaches us an essential lesson: trusting in divine providence doesn’t mean life will be free from struggle. Jacob’s life is anything but easy. Yet his faith in God’s guidance allows him to persevere, to grow, and to ultimately fulfill his destiny. In our own lives, we often face situations that feel overwhelming, moments where the outcome is uncertain, and the way forward is unclear. It is precisely in those moments that we can find inspiration in Jacob’s story.
Jacob’s ladder itself is symbolic of this trust. The ladder connects heaven and earth, showing us that even when our struggles feel grounded in the physical world, there is a connection to something higher. God is with us wherever we go, just as He was with Jacob.
God’s words remind us that we are never truly alone. Even in times of hardship, we are accompanied by a divine presence that supports us and guides us toward our purpose. Trusting in that presence doesn’t necessarily change our circumstances, but it changes how we face them—with resilience, hope, and courage.
This idea resonates deeply with the mission and values of USY. Much like Jacob’s journey, USY is about stepping out of your comfort zone but trusting that we are part of something greater. Whether it’s traveling to events, stepping into a leadership role, or building connections with peers, USY provides a framework of faith, community, and support that empowers young Jewish leaders to grow and thrive.
In my four years as a part of this great organization I have done just that- stepped outside my comfort zone and grown more than I ever thought possible. Through it all I have felt echoes of Hashem’s promise to Jacob: “I am with you wherever you go.” In every program, every friendship formed, and every moment of growth, USY reminds us all that we are never alone. Our community supports us wherever we go, fostering trust, resilience, and a strong Jewish identity that we carry into the world.
Ophir Filhart
USY International President ’24-’25