Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem
The Conservative Yeshiva (CY) is a Jerusalem-based hub of intellectual and spiritual activity where learners engage classical Jewish texts, pursue questions both timeless and timely, and develop the skills and habits that make life meaningful.
Founded in 1995 to meet the need for serious co-educational and non-dogmatic Jewish study, it’s since established a reputation as a valued partner of Conservative congregations and all those seeking an authentic, dynamic Judaism inspired by sophisticated, meaningful, empowered Torah learning.
Unlike traditional yeshivot, the doors of the CY’s beit midrash (house of study) are open to students of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It welcomes the full scope of human experiences and the questions its students pose, relying on both modern scholarship and ancient wisdom in the shared pursuit of answers.

Studying at the yeshiva has made me realize that it’s possible to live an observant Jewish life without sacrificing egalitarianism and liberal values. I would recommend the CY to others who are looking for a modern institution where they can challenge their ideas about Judaism with students from around the world.
A Truly Global Community
Students from North America, South America, Europe, and Africa join together here to live and study in the heart of Jerusalem. This makes Israel a central feature of their Jewish consciousness. They walk the pathways of ancestors, absorb the spiritual energy that emanates from Jerusalem and wrestle with the issues that most challenge the Jewish people today.
The CY summer program has strengthened my Jewish identity and broadened my knowledge and understanding of Judaism and Halacha. I feel profoundly moved by the people I’ve met and the journeys that they’re on.
Subscribers to Torah Sparks and Haftorah commenetary
Hours of live online classes offered, connecting yeshiva faculty with groups of learners in congregations around North America
Subscribers to Daf Shevui learning one page of Talmud per week
of all Conservative rabbis have been students of the Conservative Yeshiva
Get Involved
- Bring CY faculty to your congregation in person or online by contacting Rabbi Andy Shapiro Katz, director of North American engagement
- Sign up to Torah Sparks and receive insightful Torah by email
- Learn about upcoming programs and apply now
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Vayakhel
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Terumah
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Mishpatim
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Yitro
January 30, 2018 14 Shevat, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
January 22, 2019 16 Shevat, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Va’era
February 5, 2020 10 Shevat, 5780An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Shemot
January 3, 2018 16 Tevet, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Vayehi
December 19, 2018 11 Tevet, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Vayiggash
December 20, 2017 2 Tevet, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Mikkets
December 26, 2019 28 Kislev, 5780An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Vayeshev
December 18, 2019 20 Kislev, 5780An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Vayishlah
December 11, 2019 13 Kislev, 5780An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Vayetse
November 14, 2018 6 Kislev, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Hayyei Sarah
November 1, 2018 23 Heshvan, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Vayera
November 1, 2017 12 Heshvan, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Lekh lekha
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Noah
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Bereshit
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TORAH SPARKS: Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot
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TORAH SPARKS: Yom Kippur – Part 1
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Parashat Vayelekh | Shabbat Shuvah
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TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Rosh Hashana
17 Tishri, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Nitsavim
September 26, 2019 26 Elul, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Ki tavo
September 22, 2019 22 Elul, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Ki tetse
22 Elul, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Shofetim
August 15, 2018 4 Elul, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Re’eh
August 29, 2019 28 Av, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Ekev
28 Av, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Va’et-hannan
July 25, 2018 13 Av, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Devarim
August 12, 2019 11 Av, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Matot-Masei
July 11, 2018 28 Tammuz, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Pinchas
July 30, 2019 27 Tammuz, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Toledot
November 7, 2018 29 Heshvan, 5779An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
TORAH SPARKS: Parashat Toledot
November 16, 2017 27 Heshvan, 5778An exploration of the weekly Torah portion, produced by the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.