These are upcoming opportunities in our Jewish network.
- Shabbat for Ukrainian Jews Toolkit
- This includes specialized blessings over candles and challah, and a special Shalom Aleichem, featuring personal testimonies of those served by JDC and information on critical needs faced by Jewish communities during this crisis.
- Scientists in Synagogues
- Scientists in Synagogues provides communities a $5000 grant, along with mentorship, guidance and connections, in order to run grass-roots programs that offer Jews opportunities to explore the most interesting and pressing questions surrounding Judaism and science. Application deadline: March 28, 2023.
- Mayyim Hayyim
- Mayyim Hayyim is a 21st century creation, a mikveh rooted in ancient tradition, reinvented to serve the Jewish community of today. It is a resource for learning, spiritual discovery, and creativity where women, men, and people of all genders and ages can celebrate milestones like weddings and b’nai mitzvah; where conversion to Judaism is accorded the honor and dignity it deserves; where survivors of trauma, illness or loss find solace; and where those who immerse monthly can explore the ritual on their own terms.
- Ma’alot Grant Program 2023-2024
- We are announcing the 2023-2024 JNF / NBN Ma’alot Grant Program, for programs commencing 7/1/2023 and ending by 6/30/2024. The committee developed new, and we believe clearer guidelines, based upon applications received in the past. They can be found on the revised application form linked here. We urge you to read what content is expected. Some of the key points and additional guidance is included in the application form. Read the application request letter here. Learn more and apply here
- Midcareer Fellowship
- The Midcareer Fellowship provides ambitious Jewish leaders a generous tuition subsidy to earn a Master’s degree at one of ten participating universities. If you completed your undergraduate degree at least five years ago, have served the Jewish community professionally for a minimum of three years, and work at a Jewish institution for a minimum of 15 hours per week while pursuing your degree, you are eligible for this amazing opportunity to help take the next step in your Jewish professional journey
- Inaugural Global Jewish Fertility Support Summit
- A global gathering of the leading experts in Jewish Fertility Support. Though infertility and loss cross the geographical and religious boundaries of all people, elevated numbers in the Jewish community and cultural distinctions unique to Judaism leave us with unique hurdles to overcome.