Explore Baltimore
July 25, 2023 7 Av, 5783Welcome to Baltimore, home to the 2023 Conservative/Masorti Shabbaton & Convening. While you're in Baltimore, make sure to take some time to explore!
Coming Together: Reflections on Attending President Herzog’s Speech to the US Congress
July 20, 2023 2 Av, 5783As we begin the month of Av and the book/Torah portion of Devarim (literally, “words”) this week, we see the entire nation gathering to hear Moshe’s p
Choosing Torah
May 24, 2023 4 Sivan, 5783Rabbi Ashira Konigsburg, USCJ's Chief Program Officer, reflects on what it means to accept the Torah as the Jewish People.
Sulam for Leaders: Off to a Great Start
May 22, 2023 2 Sivan, 5783USCJ's Sulam for Leaders has developed these webinars to help synagogue leaders plan their leadership years as we begin 5784.
Meet USCJ’s New Chief Operating Officer: Allan Bogan
April 26, 2023 5 Iyar, 5783Meet USCJ's new Chief Operating Officer, Allan Bogan.
2023 Dean Hoffman Memorial Scholarship Fund awarded at USY convention
April 25, 2023 4 Iyar, 5783Two USY New Frontier teens were given the Dean Hoffman Memorial Scholarship to travel to Israel this summer. The Dean Hoffman Memorial Scholarship Fun
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal Reflects on Israel at 75
April 25, 2023 4 Iyar, 5783Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal's reflections on being in Israel for the Special Zionist Congress's celebration of Israel at 75.
2023 Conservative | Masorti Shabbaton & Convening
April 21, 2023 30 Nisan, 5783Registration is now open! Hurry – pricing increases on November 1st! If you are passionate, interested, or curious about Conservative/Masorti Ju
Our Joint Venture with the Israel Ministry of Diaspora Affairs
March 30, 2023 8 Nisan, 5783The goal of this joint venture is strengthening North American Jewish communities through strong teen involvement.
Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition
March 7, 2023 14 Adar, 5783A network of Jewish community organizations who recognize the existential threat and moral urgency of climate change and commit to taking action.
Chag Purim Sameach from USCJ
March 6, 2023 13 Adar, 5783Watch Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal's Purim greeting and learn about one of the most famous verses in Chapter 8 of the Megillah.
Jewish Network Opportunities
February 27, 2023 6 Adar, 5783Upcoming opportunities in our Jewish network.
Sulam For Presidents
January 30, 2023 8 Shevat, 5783Learn more about USCJ's Sulam for Presidents.
USY Chapter Grants in 2023
January 26, 2023 4 Shevat, 5783USY awarded Chapter Grants to 13 chapters, out of the initial application pool of 32. Read about the process and the list of awardees.
Introducing USCJ’s New International President: Andy Schaer
January 9, 2023 16 Tevet, 5783USCJ's new International President, Andy Schaer, introduces himself and his plans for USCJ under his leadership.