A Rosh Hashanah Message from your USY President


Hey USYers,

It’s about to be my favorite time of year—the High Holidays. For a few weeks, we get a break from the outside world and really focus on ourselves, our relationships, and our connection to something bigger. It all starts with Rosh Hashanah, our New Years, which feels like a fresh start. It’s a time to reflect on the past year—our successes, our mistakes—and think about how we can grow and improve, all the while gathering with family and friends to celebrate.

Then comes Yom Kippur, which is more serious and introspective. It’s the Day of Atonement, where we fast and spend the day in prayer, asking for forgiveness for any wrongs we’ve done, and thinking deeply about how to be better people. It can be intense, but it’s also really powerful to take a full day to just focus on being the best version of ourselves.

Right after that, we have Sukkot, which is more joyful. We build and decorate a sukkah to remind us of the time the Israelites spent in the desert, and we spend time with friends and family. It’s like we take all the things we’ve reflected on during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and start putting them into action, connecting with the people around us and practicing generosity and kindness.

Even though this time can be stressful with school and all the holiday prep, I’ve always found it really calming. There’s something about stepping away from the usual routine, reflecting on where I’ve been and where I want to go, and spending time with the people I care about most. It feels like hitting the reset button and getting ready for whatever the next year has in store for me.

More importantly than what the new year has in store for me, is what the new year has to offer for you USYers. I’m extremely excited for all the fun programming we have planned for this year, and I’ll be looking forward to meeting many of you at one immersive experience or another. Hard work pays off, and everyone from your IEB down to the chapter boards are working hard to make sure we have a great year. In addition, my goal for this year is to be as transparent with you as I’m able to, so if you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

Chag Sameach,

Ophir Filhart 

2024/2025 USY International President

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