For more than 60 years, USY, USCJ’s youth movement, has brought the joy of Judaism to life for teens, inspiring them to deepen their Jewish practice, become leaders, make a positive impact on the world, and develop lasting connections to their Jewish identities.
USY, for grades 9-12, and Gesher, a program of USY for preteens grades 6-8 (though grades vary by region) allow your kehilla to engage youth with fun, meaningful experiences based on the ideology of Conservative Judaism.
USY helps you keep teens (and their parents) involved in your community long beyond their b’nai mitzvah years.

As president of the Poughkeepsie chapter, I helped revive the youth group at my synagogue and improved the local Jewish environment for kids and teenagers. USY has played a major role in the formation of a close-knit, inclusive Jewish community at my synagogue.
USY programming for your congregation:
- Chapter events
- Social action and volunteer opportunities
- Leadership Training Institutes
- Immersive Jewish summer travel to Israel, Europe, and across North America
USY partners with teens to elevate everyday high school life into places of meaning, wholeness, and holiness…it enables them to collect experiences and interactions that shape their future as Jewish leaders.
of teens say USY makes Judaism more relevant and meaingful
of teens say involvement in USY has made them want to increase their Jewish observance
of parents say that traveling on one of USY’s immersive summer programs enhanced their child’s understanding and appreciation of Jewish traditions and practices
Take Action
- Contact our staff to learn more about USY programming in your area or to get information about starting a chapter in your synagogue
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